Hay - 25 April 2021
Determining the viability of producing Hay in remote areas using the Biomineral production system.
This Case Study -
1. The Biomineral system required significantly less fertilizer (higher NUE 88%N and 92%K) when compared with the Conventional recommended best management practice.
2. Sudan Grass hay produced under the Biomineral system was found to be of suitable quality and nutrient density for the proposed purpose.
3. Soil Organic Carbon levels increased by 35% by the end of the crop.
4. The cost of a Conventional fertilizer program was found to be almost 2.5 times the cost of the Biomineral system at this location.
5. The use of the Biomineral system presents significant freight advantages and a much lower carbon footprint when compared with the recommended best management practice.
6. It would have been more convenient and cost effective to purchase and freight hay to this location if the Biomineral system was not applied.
Aim :
To demonstrate the performance of the Bio mineral production system compared with
Conventional fertilizer strategies for producing irrigated Hay in remote areas or pastoral stations.
Producing fodder for livestock in remote areas is often a marginal exercise due to the high overheads associated with the operation. It is therefore often more cost effective to freight hay long distances.
This investigation was undertaken in a location with high production overheads for producing hay.
It was therefore necessary to have a highly efficient production system otherwise it would be more cost-
effective and convenient to purchase hay and freight it
a distance of 500 km.